Position – Schwalbach Farm

Position and Status Statement
Regarding Development of the Former Schwalbach Property


Because development of the former Schwalbach farm recently became an issue in the course of this spring Town Board election, and because a great amount of misinformation is being spread about me, including that I have been involved in a “backroom deal” regarding the former Schwalbach property, I felt it might be helpful to share information with families, especially those with homes near the former Schwalbach farm, regarding my position about this project, and also its status.  

I also want to share how much I appreciate that one resident, who may live near the Schwalbach site, just recently contacted me via email about the development.  We exchanged a couple of good rounds of email questions and answers.  Based on our final notes, I believe this resident is much more comfortable about how the development process will occur, and about the opportunity concerned residents will have to provide input into the development process.

Position Statement and Status Summary

About the Developer.  I have not spoken with the developer, Tom Vande Yacht, about his plans for the site.  I did have a general conversation with him as a result of the resident inquiry I received.  I learned that Mr. Vande Yacht will not be working on a development plan for the Town to consider for about five years.  He is working with other projects at present, and in the near future.  When the time comes to submit a plan, Mr. Vande Yacht indicated that he will initiate discussions with nearby residents.  In the meantime, I believe he would also welcome the opportunity to talk with anyone wanting to have an initial discussion with him.  His office is right here in Grand Chute at the Lynndale Apartments.  

About the Development Process.  My position with this project, as well as all other development projects in our Town, is that it is the role of our Community Development staff to work with the developer to bring forward a good plan that will then first be considered by the Plan Commission, and thereafter by the Town Board.  We have a very experienced and capable Community Development staff.  

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As a Town Board Supervisor, my job is to make the best decisions possible both for the Town as a whole, and for affected residents.  I am not able to take a position before the project comes before the Board and I have an opportunity to see the plan. 

About the “Backroom Deal.”  If you recall, the matter of developing the Schwalbach farm only became an issue during the course of this election.  I am aware that my opponent, and those who support him, suddenly began spreading misinformation about me making a “backroom deal” with the developer.  I later learned that this other candidate became upset when Mr. Vande Yacht asked the Town Compliance Officer to have the candidate remove an election sign that the candidate had posted on the Schwalbach site without first asking for permission to do so.  It was after that incident that the candidate began to falsely accuse me of an action I didn’t take.

I hope this information is helpful.  It is understandable that potentially affected residents, facing change associated with a new development, to experience the fear of an unknown situation.   That fear factor, of course, is what my opponent was interested in creating because he, of course, would be the one who benefits by having residents become upset.  

If you would like to talk further about this matter, or if there is a group of residents who would like to talk with me, I will be happy to meet with you.  I want to know your concerns, not only about this development project, but also about other concerns that may exist.  Given the short amount of time that remains prior to the election, it may not be possible to meet or contact me before then, but “win-lose-or-draw,” I will be happy to meet with you following the election if we don’t talk before then.


Jeff Ings 

Paid for by Ings For Good Government